Bird Series

High Flying Birds
Acrylic, with various metal leafs, antique love letters, and maps on canvas
30″ x 40″

Endings and New Beginnings
Acrylic, silver leaf and collage on canvas
36″ x 36″

Time is Precious
Acrylic graphite, with variegated leaf and hand made paper collage elements on canvas
24″ x 30″

I Wish You Were Here
Acrylic, with various metal leafs, antique love letters, and maps on canvas. The words were taken from an antique love letter written in 1936. 
40″ x 40″

Watching and Waiting
Acrylic graphite, with variegated leaf and hand made paper collage elements on canvas
24″ x 30″

At Last
Acrylic, with vintage envelopes, handmade paper, and various metal leafs/foils.
40″ x 40″

The Beginning of Everything
Acrylic, copper leaf and collage paper on canvas
36″ x 36″

Higher Than The Sun
Acrylic on canvas
48″ x 48″